Individual therapy, also called talk therapy, psychotherapy, or counseling, is a process focused on healing and reducing internal suffering which may occur in the form of problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings, and somatic responses(sensations in the body).
Individual psychotherapy begins with an initial evaluation of two to three sessions with a psychotherapist to determine both the nature of the issues to be addressed and to generate some initial treatment recommendations. These evaluation sessions are an opportunity for both client and therapist to get a sense of what will be most helpful, and then to craft a treatment plan of attainable goals. After initial evaluation, most clients enter into individual psychotherapy. Mind Your Life Pte Ltd offers short, intermediate, and longer-term treatment possibilities, with clinicians working from relational, Jung, psychodynamic, family systems, and cognitive-behavioral frames of reference and technique.
The terms “Jungian analysis”, “Jungian psychoanalysis”, “Jungian therapy” and "Analytic Psychotherapy" are frequently used loosely and interchangeably. Analytic Psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy originated in the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Its aim is a meaningful life with particular focus on personality development.
Many people benefit tremendously from individual psychotherapeutic treatment. If you or someone you know is having problems with depression, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, work-related issues, a history of trauma or abuse, intense grief, religious or spiritual concerns, or other emotional, relational, or behavioral issues, you may find our services helpful.