Individual therapy, also called talk therapy, psychotherapy, or counseling, is a process focused on healing and reducing internal suffering which may occur in the form of problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings, and somatic responses(sensations in the body). 

In addition, ongoing psychotherapy is a common and useful means of self-growth and self-actualization for many people. It can help people to confront barriers which interfere with emotional and mental well-being. Many people enjoy therapy and relish the journey of becoming more conscious about themselves, their inner world, and their relationships. Therapy may help to increase positive feelings such as joy, compassion, peace, self-esteem, spiritual connection, and love. 

Psychotherapy is the process of examining thoughts, feelings, bodily experience, and relationships, as well as looking at personal and/or family patterns to gain greater understanding about oneself. Initially, this may mean learning how to listen to ourselves in new ways, understanding how we see the world and relationships, and strengthening our sense of wholeness, as well as building resilience for coping with life’s challenges.

Generally psychotherapy is recommended whenever a person is grappling with a life, relationship or work issue or a specific mental health concern, and these issues are causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days. 

Modern psychotherapy differs significantly from the Hollywood version. Typically, most people see their therapist once a week for 50 minutes

Psychotherapy is usually time-limited and focuses on specific goals you want to accomplish.

Psychotherapy is most successful when the individual enters therapy on their own and has a strong desire to change. If you don’t want to change, change will be slow in coming. Change means altering those aspects of your life that aren’t working for you any longer, or are contributing to your problems or ongoing issues.

An essential ingredient of the psychotherapeutic process at Mind Your Life is the knowledge that within each of us there exists a deeper wisdom that, given adequate support, naturally moves toward healing and integration. We begin life with a core self that ultimately desires to be healthy, whole and free, regardless of how much pain or distress we may be experiencing in our lives.

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